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- • All data products are by default publicly available, including those derived from restricted data.
- • Only summary information for restricted records are publicly available for download.
- • All public data are under the Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) licence.
- • You have sole responsibility for correct and appropriate data interpretation.
- • Results, conclusions, and/or recommendations derived from the data do not imply endorsement from ICES.
- • You are requested to inform ICES of any suspected problems in the data.
- The full ICES data policy and terms of use can be viewed here
Restricted Data
Some data within the ICES Cetaceans Database may be classified as restricted as determined by the data provider. These data are under the ICES Biodiversity Licence (link
The Responsible Organisation and Point of Contact is provided for each restricted survey, to enable the Data User to make a request direct to the Point of Contact.